Rotary is one of the world’s premier service organizations. Paul Harris had a visionary idea when he started a tiny Rotary club in Chicago in 1905. Rotary International is the world’s first service club organization and it has grown to more than 1.2 million members in 33,000 clubs worldwide. The Spindletop Rotary Club was charted in January of 1951 and almost 70 years later the members of our club are showcasing the Rotary motto of "Service Above Self".
The Spindletop Rotary Club's mission is to promote diverse community involvement in a welcoming and supportive environment. Each person's Rotary journey is different and depends upon the interests and involvement of that individual. I have developed a passion for Rotary over the years and it has enriched my life in return. My hope is that you, as a Spindletop Rotarian, experience the same. My challenge for you this year is to reflect on why YOU joined Spindletop Rotary, why YOU wear your pin proudly and how YOU can make a difference in our club.
As Rotarians, it will not be good enough to give only what we have left over or what we can spare, but we must truly give of ourselves with new excitement in support of the ideals of Rotary. Let us lead the way and let us not only inspire the world through our words, but through our deeds. And most importantly let us never forget why we became Rotarians—so that together, we could accomplish, what the individual alone never could.
In Rotary-