One of the things the Spindletop Rotary prides itself on is the ability to adapt to changing situations. When the Earth "closed" back in mid-March, the club leadership took a step back and evaluated the situation and eventually came up with a new way to engage membership by holding virtual Zoom meetings.  During this time, the membership checked in on each other, laughed, instituted a revised virtual meeting format, and even grew and thrived.  The club held it's first virtual induction and inducted four new members at the same time.  We are on our way to inducting more members as of this writing.  Members of the club have been involved in virtual training seminars where other District 5910 members have heard about Spindletop's fun Zoom meetings and have started utilizing Zoom in their own clubs after hearing about the success that Spindletop Rotary has had.  People are talking about us, and that's a good thing.  So as the Earth slowly re-opens, let's continue to inspire others in all that we do and open opportunities.